Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back pain

I think my back has been hurting me since I swam a half mile on Monday night.  I don't think it was the swimming as much as it was the turning around at the end of each length.  I think I pulled something, and now I can't seem to shake it.  Of course, I've worked out every day since then, and I haven't given it a chance to rest, so that may be part of the problem...

I really want to work out tonight, but I'm having a hard time thinking of something that doesn't affect the back, since swimming aggrivated it, and then biking and walking and jogging didn't help it...lifting weights is never a great idea when you have back pain...  I was thinking yoga may be a good bet.  I know that resting it may be the best choice as well, but I think I'm going to do a bit of yoga, and if it hurts my back at all, I'll stop immediately. 

It seems like there is constantly something wrong with my body that prevents me from working out as much as I want to.  I think it seems that way because it IS that way.  LOL.  I know the more weight I lose, the less trouble I'll have, so I'm going to keep pressing onward.  :)

I'm very slowly starting to notice the tiniest difference in the way my clothes are fitting me now.  It's a *very* slight change, but things are starting to move in the right direction.  I have noticed a difference in my face for the past two weeks, but I hadn't noticed a difference in my pants until today, so that is nice!

Darcy and I are staying in Boston for the weekend for Valentine's Day, and I bought a new outfit to wear.  It was too small when I bought it, but I'm hoping it fits by then.  That will be a nice reward for my efforts! 


Alison... said...

Yoga or nothing is def your best bet. I find that yoga helps my back but if you have pulled a muscle, it may not be wise to try it... I suppose if you stop at the very first pain, you'll be ok.

that's lousy though!

But glad you're feeling a difference in your clothes.


Anonymous said...

Yes you need to be very cognizant between an injury and just pushing through sore muscles. If you don't let yourslf heal, then the injury will keep popping up.

Ice ice baby

Alison... said...

ice ice baby, too cold too cold.