**Spoiler Alert**
Jim Elliot, a missionary, once said, "He is no fool to give what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose." Well, I don't think he was thinking of reality TV at the time, but I laughed when thinking of the parallel between his quote and the read team's strategy last night. Basically, Elliot was talking philosophically about giving your life for God, and gaining much greater rewards in heaven. The same principle can apply to other things in life too, though. For example, we can give up money to people in need, which inevitably we cannot keep, in exhange for blessings on earth which we cannot lose.Last night, the red team did just the opposite. They gave up the opportunity to lose weight at the ranch, making the program work for them, in exchange for a strategy to try and win the game. The red team won immunity early on in the program, which meant that no matter what happened on the scale that week, they were safe. The woman in the duo was on film saying she was planning to sandbag her results this week, hoping for a small loss since this week didn't count, and then a big loss next week.
When you have been given a very small window of time to lose weight on the biggest loser ranch, how can you possibly do anything other than your best? You never know how much time you have left with the trainers and the doctors and the nutritionists. Every day is a gift, and the longer you are there, the better tools you will have to support long term changes in your life. The odds are, they aren't going to win the competition (that which they cannot keep), so they should really make each moment count by giving it their all, learning all they can, and using this window they have to shed the lbs that they can (that which they cannot lose). You can take the ranch, and the personal trainer away, and you can take having the opportunity to work on your weight loss full time, and the accountability that comes along with it - those things are short term. You cannot take the knowledge away, you cannot take the principles you learn away, and every moment in that window is a gift. To blow it is utter foolishness, and if contestants use immunity as an excuse to slack off, the show should no longer offer it. What's more important? Your health or 250k?
They even showed the red team that they will lose 3 Million dollars over the course of their life if they stay obese...and moments later, they chose a long shot at 250k over 3MM of a sure thing? Clearly, an absurd choice and strategy.
Also, I watched the previews for next week, and they show that only one team member can weigh in next week for the weight to count in the contest. The woman from the red team actually gained a lb this week, and next week, the previews strongly suggested that she only lost 1 lb, which must put her below the yellow line, and most likely she'll be sent home. Bad choice, red.
The thing is, the fat person I've been for so long was listening to her argument about sandbagging, and I thought to myself - this is just an excuse. She had a HUGE loss the first week, and she just doesn't feel like doing what she needs to do. She's a fat person, and fat people don't change in one week - not for 250k, not for their health, and not even in front of a national tv audience. These things take time, and she reverted back to her overweight ways.
At least, I hope this is a lesson to the show and to the other contestants. At best, I hope it's something I remember. Giving up a momentary pleasure (bad food) for a lifetime of health, is worth it. Going to the gym instead of the movies is worth it. I can't let myself reason my way out of making healthy choices, because I only hurt myself.
Good luck all - let me know what you thought of the episode!!
I missed 1/2 of the 1st week and all of last night's but I'm hoping it will come on on-demand soon so I can catch up... thanks for the re-cap though and you're right, they need to take advantage of the opportunity and do their very best the entire time... and take away the lessons... exactly.
Yes you are right of course, BUT, last season there was a woman Tracey who I despised. She did things like this all the time to further herself in teh game. She came in 2nd for the $100,000 losing a dramatic amount of weight. She actually looked a little scary...lol.
Your mind set is healthier and will set you up for success
PS: I had to read it...lol
LOL - I was wondering - I didn't think there was anyway you saw it at work. Yes, she looked rather scary - I would agree. I think it's crazy to "play" the game on TBL. It's not like it's survivor - these people are TRULY needing to survive. Ah well... :) Count me OUT.
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