Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now THAT is a light snack

I have had the hungry horrors today.  Unfortunately, I suspect that PMS season is upon me.  Hooray!  I know that means I can look forward to water weight gain, a bottomless pit of an appetite and acne.  Fun!  :)

I'm trying to be good.  So far today I have had a nutrigrain bar, a banana, some turkey soup, and some light popcorn.  It's not cutting it.  I drank about a gallon of water in the past 2 hours, and my stomach is still growling.

Right now, I'm having a 10 calorie sugar free jello cup.  I don't love jello, but anything that is 10 calories and makes my hunger go away, even for a half hour, is a friend of mine!  I'm sure this little cup is CHOCK full of chemicals, and normally, I avoid such ridiculously processed foods, but when I'm having a diet emergency, I give in.

It's 3pm.  This little cup has made me feel full.  I'm going to time it to see how long this lasts.

Tick tock!  :)


Kristen said...

It lasted an hour...in case you were waiting on the edge of your seat to find out. :)

Anonymous said...

I love me some jello

Alison... said...

I missed this yesterday somehow... I don't mind jell-o but it never occurs to me to buy it.

Maybe I will give it a shot since you said it took the edge off.