Sunday, March 7, 2010

The road to hell

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I can't believe that's the case, but I do think the road to fat is paved with good intentions, false starts, the best of ideas and a whole bucket of woulda/shoulda/couldas.  How many times have we started diets that lasted a day or even a meal, lost weight to only gain it back (and then some), planned to go to the gym but didn't quite make it, etc...?  Too many to count for me, I know that much.

I had great intentions of long outdoor bike rides this beautiful weekend, and so far, I have not even come close.  Although I'm on Claritan D, my allergies combined with my anemia have rendered me largely useless for this earth at present.  I did go into work for a few hours this morning, and I got a lot done, but I still have a great deal of homework to finish, a meal plan to develop, groceries to buy and then a work out to fit in. 

As I type this post, my heavy eyelids continue to slide down over my eyes, until I lift them up to let the light back in as I continue to type.  My allergies are truly debilitating, and I'm going to try to make an appointment with my MD tomorrow to see if I can get a shot.  I can't function like this anymore.

I'm also going to try to have an iron rich diet today to help combat the anemia.  I'm always up for a nice steak, so there's no sacrifice there!

For whatever reason, I have had health issue upon health issue for the past few years.  They have made my weight loss journey very challenging, and I have tried to fight back twice as hard to combat it.  When I can't exercise, I eat very little.  When I can exercise, I give it my all, thankful for every moment that I can.

My mind continues to pause under the fog of my weariness, so I will bid you adieu for now.  I'm thinking good thoughts in hopes that you are able to enjoy this gift of beautiful weather we have received, and I eagerly anticipate a day in the near future when I can write to you of my athletic conquests with energy and fervor.


Alison... said...

You have definitely given it your all even with all the health issues you have had and you've done great!

You're an inspiration to everyone.


Keep up the great work and get that allergy shot!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry your allergies are bothering you. Hope you feel better soon.