Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting back to the gym

I feel like I have been sick forever.  I can't remember the last time I worked out.  Finally, at long last, I'm starting to feel like I'm ready to start working out and continue my training for the triathlon.  I'm going to start with swimming tonight.

I'm sorry for my absence, blogosphere.  I am back.  The weight loss is going fine.  I've finally been able to return to eating normally, so I'm on a bit of a plateau, but I know that once I start working out, I'll be on track to lose again.


Anonymous said...

Glad your back....blogging and at the gym. New love looks so good on you!

Alison... said...

Glad too for all of it - your healthy eating,exercise and marathon plan, the blogging -

good job.

Stephanie Carnes said...

Yay! I'm glad you are *finally* feeling better! XOXO