Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Getting back on track

What a strange past few months I've had.  My health has been kind of terrible, my life has been a bit of a roller coaster, and I haven't spent the time on my healthy journey that I've wanted to.  As a result, I've been on a plateau for the past month, but again, I'm just so thankful I haven't gained. 

I'm back to work today, and I don't know if I'll have time to work out tonight, but I'm going to try to get to the gym, even if it's just for 20 minutes.  I think that just starting to get back into the routine is the best way to build it back into your life.  I'm not 100% with my health, but I think I could do a light work out, and I'm sure I could benefit from a little tanning session as well. 

Christy and I made a meal plan for the week, although it's Wednesday and we still haven't completed the grocery shopping yet.  Hmmm...  I guess it may turn into next week's meal plan.  That's ok too.  We are getting there. 

I'm going to try really hard to have a loss for next week's weigh in!!


Alison... said...

Even though you've been sick and not totally on track heathy wise, you're on a better track with eating and you're getting on a more steady routine so it's all good!

and staying the same is better than gaining - obv.

You look skinnier so you're probably losing inches.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back on track.

I am sure you will get into your healthy eating routine soon.